List Of Registered Professional Bodies In Good Standing
The Office of the Registrar of Companies (ORC) wishes to inform all Executive Council Members (or any other name designated), Members and Stakeholders of registered Professional Bodies that the under-listed Professional Bodies have filed or renewed their Certificate of Members with the Office of the Registrar of Companies as of 31st July, 2024 and are therefore in good standing.
- The Registrar of Companies in a Public Release in May 2024 directed all Professional Bodies in default to file their Annual Returns and update their Certificate of Membership in accordance with Section 16 of the Professional Bodies Registration Act, 1973, NRCD 143 by 30thJune, 2024. This followed an engagement with Executives of registered Professional Bodies in Ghana with the ORC last year.
- However, validation of the Register at the end of the deadline has revealed that most Professional Bodies are still not in good standing and have not also renewed the Certificate of their Members thereby putting such bodies at risk of having their names struck off the Register in accordance with section 11 (b) of the NRCD 143.
- Currently, 40 Professional Bodies are found to be in good standing, 43 Professional Bodies are not in good standing, 11 Professional Bodies are newly registered and 73 Professional Bodies have no contact numbers to enable us contact their Executives to update their records with the ORC. 4 Professional Bodies have however requested to be taken off the Register for having gained a Chartered status by an Act of Parliament.
- The Office therefore urges ALL Professional Bodies in default to take necessary steps to be in good standing by 30th December, 2024. The filing should be accompanied by a copy of the Audited Accounts of the Body, updated list of its Members and any changes made to its Constitution.
- Professional Bodies that use “CHARTERED” as part of their names should attach copies of the Charter granted to those bodies by the Parliament of the Republic of Ghana when filing their Annual Returns and updating the Certificate of their Members. All those who do not have the Charter granted by Parliament should take steps to have this done within the shortest possible time or in the alternative change their names.
- As a trusted partner in business, the ORC will enforce its core mandate and values to ensure credible business and professional atmosphere for all stakeholders through regular collaborative engagements to build an accurate data for economic planning and development. The Office will continue its rigorous sensitization and engagement on the need for registered Professional Bodies and Businesses to be in good standing.
- For further information, please contact Mr. Jones Nathaniel Ansah, Head of Companies of the Office of the Registrar of Companies (ORC) on 0244369143 or call the Office on 0302666081, WhatsApp/Telegram on 059525774.
- Kindly find below the list of Professional Bodies in good standing as at 31st July, 2024.
View the List of Registered Professional Bodies in Good Standing